Dragon Boat Festival, Zongxiang overflowing

Jun 07, 2024

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming, in order to let everyone spend a happy and fulfilling holiday, the company hereby informs the holiday arrangement of the Dragon Boat Festival in 2024:

Holiday time: June 8 (Saturday) to June 10 (Monday), a total of 3 days.

Work schedule: June 11 (Tuesday) normal work.

During the holiday season, our centrifugal cooling fan wholesale, brushless centrifugal fan and wholesale airflow centrifugal fan business is still open to inquiries and reservations, welcome to contact us through our official website or customer service hotline. I hope you can arrange your time properly and enjoy the wonderful time with your family. At the same time, it also reminds everyone to pay attention to the safety of the holiday, please be sure to obey the traffic rules when traveling, and do a good job of personal protection.

Chungfo Electronics wishes all employees and their families a happy Dragon Boat Festival, good health and happiness!

Zongqing Dragon Boat Festival, happy Chungfo!

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